Task Overview:
This document provides you with information about the requirements for your assessment. Detailed instructions and resources are included for completing the task. The Criterion Reference Assessment (CRA) Rubric that markers use to grade the assessment task is included.
You are required to create and record an audio-visual presentation based on the following:
Why is Ethics an important consideration for an Information Security Professional?
Learning Objective 1: Describe why legal privacy and ethical issues play an important part in effectively managing information security.
Learning Objective 2. Communicate effectively written and orally about the management of information security in organisations.
Task description
You are required to create and record an audio-visual presentation based on:
Why is Ethics an important consideration for an Information Security Professional?
Briefly describe each one and then explain why an information security professional would need to be guided by and should adhere to these standards of conduct and related professional values. Illustrate your answers to each of the AISA six standards of conduct and professional values with a workplace example that could be encountered by an Information Security Professional.
What you need to do PowerPoint Details Structure
You will create and record audio-visual PowerPoint presentation structured as follows:
• Slide 1: Title of presentation course no, course name, assignment name, task no, student no and name
• Slide 2: Honesty
"(This what you need to go back and research yourself. This has the six (06) points that has been discuss at Australian Information Security Association (AISA) Code of Ethics Constitution & Code of Ethics (aisa.org.au) They are presenting the six standards over there. You need to talk about with the requirement of how that can be implemented with work place examples."
• Slide 3: Legal Compliance
• Slide 4: Competence and Diligence
• Slide 5: Confidentiality
• Slide 6: Professional Development
• Slide 7: Integrity
• Slide 8: List of References
• 8 slides plus slides notes.