Describe the group dynamic over the course of the project and how you navigated it.

Assessment requirements:

Your group is digital marketing consultants who have been tasked with developing a digital marketing plan for a new fictional Irish restaurant brand.

Create a digital marketing plan for your brand. You can call your brand anything you like and it should specialize in one part of the market. Base your planning on the following key concepts:

  • Byron Sharp’s Physical and Mental Availability
  • Kantar Millward Brown’s Brand Dynamic pyramid
  • Binet Field’s 60:40 market budget split

Your plan should include the following four things. (Use this as your checklist for this project.)

  • Definition of a distinctive Vision for your brand
  • Definition of the Mission for your brand
  • Define two (or more) strategies for your brand, incl. a clear outline of your target consumers. Base your strategies on your market analysis. For each strategy, critically discuss its relationship with your Mission and why it’s better than your competitors’ strategies. Include at least one Brand-Building and one Sales Activation strategy. You should divide your plan into Brand-Building and Sales Activation. Your plan should use digital marketing tools, but non-digital tools are also acceptable.
  • Your personal reflection on this project (This part is unique to you.)
  • Share insight into your learning journey, what the experience was like and how the project impacted your learning about the topics of this assignment.
  • Outline the parts of this project you specifically worked on.
  • Describe the group dynamic over the course of the project and how you navigated it.

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