Demonstrate your understanding of the situational factors [COMP] and how they may influence the decisions of Gino, Brett, and possibly Alex [you could employ a table].

Students will be asked to study the assessment scenario [case study] and complete a series of questions that consolidate the learning outcomes of the unit up to the end of section 2.

There will be 4 questions, each question will be worth equal marks, each question has a 1-page limit. Read all questions first to reduce repetition.

Q1: Remember you have the choice of outcomes in your answers: Explain either Gino’s, Brett’s, or Alex’s decision-making process to demonstrate your knowledge of the `cost benefit risk analysis` ensure you have some reference to Maslow`s Hierarchy of needs and situational factors.

Q2: Demonstrate your understanding of the situational factors [COMP] and how they may influence the decisions of Gino, Brett, and possibly Alex [you could employ a table].

Q3: It appears that Gino is starting to construct a considered set of products. Identify this product category [the 4X4 dual cab utilities] and discuss the `decision-making rules` [see e-book] that Gino may employ when selecting a new car.

Q4: Product considerations, product layers and the product components come together as the `total product`. The total product is inferred within the scenario – select what you consider are important to best demonstrate your knowledge.

Also include 1 paragraph of how marketing practitioners may employ their knowledge of the total product to communicate with their target market.

Examples of similar assessment scenarios and typical questions are available [e.g., Activity: price & pricing, & the product life cycle was employed previously].

A formatted document will be supplied via Blackboard; students will be required to download the document, complete the document, and upload via Blackboard for marking.

Please Note: As this assessment is a unique marketing situation and is directed at the learning outcomes of the unit and the material in the e-book, an internet search will be pointless.

Critical: All students must save their document as A2XXXXXX A2 represents the assessment and XXXXXX represents the student’s unique student number. This will avoid any two assessments having the same document name.

Hint: An infrequent mistake, but worth highlighting, is to fall in love with the example and ignore the unit learning. Keep in mind marks will be awarded on how well you demonstrate that you have addressed the learning outcomes of the unit.

Warning: It is your responsibility to take appropriate steps to save and protect your work with regular back-ups.

Q1: Remember you have the choice of outcomes in your answers: Explain either Gino’s, Brett’s, or Alex’s decision-making process to demonstrate your knowledge of the `cost benefit risk analysis` ensure you have some reference to Maslow`s Hierarchy of needs and situational factors.

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