Demonstrate knowledge of current international and national exceptional education research and use this information to develop professional presentations and reports.


Learning outcome 1: Demonstrate knowledge of current international and national exceptional education research and use this information to develop professional presentations and reports.

Learning outcome 2: Present and report on information about exceptional inclusive education from a strength-based approach in a professional manner.

Learning outcome 3: Apply contemporary principles of inclusive practices and early intervention.

Topic: Historical contexts and legislation

  • Historical contexts Legislation
  • Codes of practice
  • Defining inclusion, integration, early intervention
  • Children`s development: What is typical and exceptional development?
  • Power of Language

Assessment Event 1 - Essay

Why inclusion is important in Australian early childhood education and care settings

Learning outcome 1: Write an essay for your service to justify why inclusion is important in early childhood settings in Australia

  • Consider all stakeholders, including Children, Families and Community.
  • Identify strategies that will assist your Early Childhood Education and Care to be inclusion ready.

Assessment Event 2 - Report

For this assessment, you will choose an area of Exceptionality, one that is discussed in this subject. In
small groups you will write a case study in class.

Using this case study, you will (individually)

  • Outline the chosen area of exceptionality in detail using current information.
  • Outline the implications for the child of the chosen area of exceptionality, including their functional daily living, and implications in an early childhood education and care setting.
  • Identify the early intervention strategies for the child relevant to the chosen area of
    exceptionality which will enhance and support the children`s learning and development in
    the following areas:
    o cognitive,
    o physical,
    o social /emotional, and
    o language.
  • Outline how you early childhood education and care centre will use inclusive practices and a strengths-based approach to wholistically support the child and their family.

Assessment Event 3 - Presentation and Individual Education Plan (IEP)

Title: Educator Information Session

Learning outcomes:

For this assessment, you will be presenting your findings from Assessment 2 to the class in the form of a presentation.

For the presentation, you will need to:

  • Present current information that introduces the chosen area of exceptionality from your chosen case study from Assessment 2.
  • Outline the implications for the child regarding their functional daily living, and in an early childhood education and care setting.Use your case study from Assessment 2 to prepare an IEP (using the IEP template provided by the Subject academic).

Your IEP will include SMART goals and teaching strategies to achieve the goals. Present this as part of your presentation.

Choose a play-based experience that would assist to achieve one of the goals in your case study and present this, in a practical way, to the class.

Be creative and engaging in your presentations. Think about resources and interactive opportunities for your audience, e.g., quiz, demonstration, YouTube, SLIDO, live polls etc.

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