Demonstrate critical understanding of the mechanisms used to maintain network security.

Component A - Lab Work Portfolio

Learning outcome 1: Develop a critical understanding of the mechanisms employed to uphold network security.

Learning outcome 2: Cultivate a comprehensive grasp of selected pivotal topics within this domain, encompassing recent advancements and unresolved issues.

Learning outcome 3: Acquire practical and analytical skills to anticipate forthcoming developments in networking and computing.

Learning outcome 4: Execute practical exercises to explore module-covered techniques, accompanied by in-depth analysis of findings.

Learning outcome 5: Conduct and present a meticulous practical inquiry at a professional standard.

The submission entails completing two practical labs and integrating them into a work-based portfolio. One lab report will conclude with a brief research study into a real-world case relevant to the security topic addressed in the lab. These reports will encompass various Computer and Network Security topics outlined in the syllabus.

The specific labs will be distributed at designated intervals during the semester as outlined in Table 1.

Network Traffic Analysis and Crypto Lab

The Network Traffic Analysis lab will apply concepts gleaned from the "Preparing to Study" material and subsequent lab sessions on network traffic analysis. Similarly, the second lab will utilize concepts from the four cryptology lectures and labs.

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