Decarbonisation refers to the reduction of carbon components within the atmosphere to reduce the effects of global warming within the atmosphere.

1. Introduction

The topic for the research was to examine the effects of Decarbonization impacting organization leadership management towards the shipping industry in Singapore. Decarbonisation refers to the process by which carbon is emitted into the atmosphere through several methods. According to my opinion concerning current climatic scenarios, decarbonisation contributes to global warming and is one of the very serious concerns when it comes to the environment. Burning of carbon and fossil fuels releases impacts the environment by trapping the air and also contributes to air pollution. According to the reports shipping industry is a global contributor when it comes to carbon or carbon emissions. The goal is to reduce carbon emissions from pre-industrial times (Lau et al., 2021). Based on the official records the shipping industry contributes 3 percent of carbon emissions annually. This is mainly due to the burning and use of fossil fuels as a source of power for transportation purposes. This can be solved with the adoption of effective leadership strategies in regard to the shipping industry.

Effective leadership strategies will help the shipping industry to understand the impact of carbon emissions caused by the industry (Ali & Anwar, 2021). I feel that leadership will help in forming strategies and taking measures which will help the industry in controlling carbon emissions. The research will help to identify the effects and thereby proposing and alternative strategies which can help to reduce the carbon emission coming from the industry. Singapore is already facing major global warming issues due to excessive carbon emissions and the shipping industry is adding up to the problem. We need to be kept in mind that the shipping industry is a major source of trade and economy within the country. Singapore has numerous ports and the marine business contributes approximately 80 percent of world trade. If the rising concerns related to carbonisation are not taken seriously then it might impact the business of the industry. The purpose of the research is to analyse the impacts of decarbonisation on organisational leadership management. The application of effective leadership will help the industry to be more prudent and becoming more aware of the ideas to protect the environment, decarbonisation is one such policy which will help both the industry to grow and reduce global warming (Haszeldine et al.,2018). The research will also help in the identification of the future aspects on which the industry might work to make the necessary changes concerning effective leadership management.

2. Evaluation

One of the major effects of decarbonisation is that it not only causes air pollution but also impacts marine life. The main aspect of this research is to evaluate and bring effective measures concerning leadership to control the problem of carbonisation. It is the role of leadership management within an industry to devise a solution for the problem faced by the industry and engage in a productive environment (Wu & Parker, 2017). According to my knowledge, another role of the leadership is also to ensure the fact that the employees will also understand the objectives of the organisation towards the goal-driven policy adopted by the shipping industry. “Expectancy” refers to the connection between the roles adopted and the necessary rewards achieved from the adoption of the strategies.

While conducting the research both the survey and interview were recorded for data collection and analysis. The analysis presented possible solutions that the industry can adopt to deal with the problem of carbonisation. The responses stated that effective employee leadership strategies are one method that the industry can adopt to introduce change. The response also presented some alternative strategies such as using alternative fuels for travelling. Biomass and Bio- LNG is an alternative to carbon and fossil fuel which the shipping industry can reduce to control the emission (Baccioli et al., 2018). Both the alternative sources of fuel are much more environmentally free concerning carbon.

It is quite evident from the research regards to the contribution of the shipping industry towards carbonisation. According to the reports, there are several marine policies which devised an alternative way that the industry can adopt to reduce the problem of carbon emissions which includes alternative fuels along with various sustainable practices which the leadership management can adopt within the industry (Oláh et al.,2020).” Instrumentality” refers to the belief introduced by the leadership, management that good work will yield better results. If the leadership management introduced the alternative measurements with confidence and put their full faith the employee will also believe in the visions, goals and principles of the leaders. The employee always looks upon their leaders as someone who will motivate and direct the industry. It falls under the role of a leader to devise solutions during any crisis period and the problem of carbonisation is one such crisis period faced by the industry.

The effects of leadership on the decision and choices of the management cannot be overlooked (Parra et al., 2019). I feel leaders are the ones who motives the employee and sets up goals which the employee follows during their course of work. The research is done to analyse the effects of Decarbonization impacting organization leadership management towards the shipping industry in

Singapore. Decarbonisation is one of the methods that can be adopted by the shipping industry to reduce carbon emissions. The methods will help the industry to maintain its environmental sustainability factors and also improve the business taking palace from the industry. “Valence” refers to focusing the entire team to work on certain objectives and help in improving performance. There were 100 employees considered for the survey and the responses from them made it clear that they are aware of the alternative means which could help the industry. From the given set of choices, the response presented the idea that Battery Technology Adapataion is the best possible solution for them. The answers from the management also presented solutions that the industry can adopt to deal with the problem of carbonisation. It is the role of the leadership to acknowledge the best possible amens which can help in regards to carbonisation and direct the team in working towards the solution.

3. Analysis

Decarbonisation refers to the reduction of carbon components within the atmosphere to reduce the effects of global warming within the atmosphere. The contribution of the shipping industry to global carbon emission rates is around 3 percent. To deal with the problem of carbonisation the industry must include effective leadership strategies It is the role of an effective leader to act upon the challenges faced by the industry and to look upon the issues. Leadership strategies will help in devising alternative ways and also establish various long-term and short-term goals concerning the industry. It is the role of the leader to introduce changes within the industry and build up enough motivation results (Deng et al., 2022). Based on the research the kinds of leadership theories that I think can be most effective during the situation are Transformational leadership theory and Transactional leadership theory. 

Transformational leadership refers to the type of leadership which helps implement positive and valuable change in the working environment for better functioning. The significance of Transformational leadership is that it helps to deal with issues and responsibilities which will help in a better understanding of the situation. The central idea of this leadership is to help the management. It helps in forming solutions and initiating initiatives which will help in better performance of the organisation along with management. This leadership theory will also help to introduce innovative changes within the organisation (Siangchokyoo et al., 2020). Another key advantage of this leadership theory is that it helps in maintaining the individuality of the team members while building up their motivation and guiding them to the changes. Transformational leadership will help to adopt changes taking place within the organisation.

Another leadership theory which I feel can be significant in this situation is Transactional leadership theory. Transactional leadership is the mind of leadership which will help to maintain the flow of communication within the organisation. This leadership is based on the idea that managers allocate the employee with any kind of task or idea with the purpose to get something in exchange for that work. This kind of leadership will help the team to bond effectively which will improve the internal working structure of the industry and help the team as a whole to deal with the challenges. One of the significant aspects of this leadership is the fact that it will help in better analysing the changes adopted for the betterment of the industry by the leadership. Thsmoeaderhsip will help in the development of the goals related to environmental sustainability (Daniela-Elena, 2021). The adoption of leadership strategies will help in better implications of the alternative policies which will be used by the shipping industry to deal with the problems concerning carbonisation. I feel that both of these theories contain required policies and structures which will help to deal with the problems of carbonisation faced by the shipping industry.

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