CPC306: Complex care - Medical Sciences Assignment Help

Assessment Summary

This assessment is designed to assess your knowledge regarding the recognition and management of a deteriorating patient in a complex care environment. While you are on a complex care clinical placement, you will choose a patient in your care that has had a deteriorating event. Following a systematic approach, you will analyse the situation and provide the management of the patient using the DETECT framework. Please refer to the Assessment Instructions for details on how to complete this assessment.


Complex (critical) care is required when an individual suffers a significant medical, surgical or traumatic emergency, that threatens the function of a vital body system or multiple body systems. Sometimes the acute illness can be so significant that it threatens the individual’s life. In these circumstances a higher level of care is required to support the individual. The registered nurse working with the acutely ill person needs to be able to identify early physiological changes and respond accordingly, whilst working in close collaboration with the interdisciplinary team.

This assignment provides you with the opportunity to apply theory to a clinical situation. To complete this assessment, you will use critical thinking and decision-making skills whilst you examine, analyse and interpret comprehensive case information about a critically ill patient during a deterioration in their condition. You must integrate the information obtained from analysis of the patient data with your previous knowledge about pathophysiology, symptomology and management of symptoms for a patient in a complex clinical situation.

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