CMHL1001 Describe and provide an example of all types of probability and non-probability sampling used in health science research

Topic 1: Evidence Based Practice

Qn 1 Illustrate the 5 As process to EBP

Qn 2Create each of these types of questions for your profession:







Patient/client experiences/concerns

Qn 3 Formulate a PICO question and your search strategy to find the best available evidence

Topic 2 Causality and Randomised Trials

Qn 1 Describe the importance of causality in Evidence-Based Practice

Qn 2 Illustrate the key elements of a randomised controlled trial and how bias can be introduced at key points

Qn 3Describe and provide an example of all types of probability and non-probability sampling used in health science research

Topic 3 How can we trust Randomised Trials?

Qn 1 Describe selection bias, performance bias, detection bias, and attrition bias.

Qn 2 Define issues of validity and reliability in research 

Qn 3 Identify sources of measurement error

Topic 4 Interpretation of results 1

Qn 1 Define the different types of data and provide an example for each

Qn 2Define a 95% confidence interval. Why do we prefer to use 95% confidence intervals over p values?

Qn 3 Write an example of a null hypothesis and its accompanying alternative hypothesis.

Topic 5 Interpretation of Results 2

Qn 1 Describe what are:

  • Confidence intervals
  • Mean Difference

Qn 2Define relative risk (RR) and odds ratio (OR)

Qn 3 Describe why the minimum clinical important difference is important when interpreting results.

Topic 6 Ethics

Qn 1 Use an example of unethical healthcare or research on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island peoples and reflect on what ethical principles were broken. 

Qn 2Search for the Curtin Human Research Ethics and find the National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Research 2007 (updated 2018). Show a screenshot you have seen both and know how to access it.

Qn 3 Using this document from the NHMRC: Ethical conduct in research with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples and communities | NHMRC write and describe the 6 core values.

Topic 7 Single Subject Research

Qn 1 Define the similarities and differences between a single case experimental design and a randomised controlled trial

Qn 2 Find a SCED relevant to your profession and using visual interpretation describe the results (level, trend and stability)

Topic 8 Cross Sectional and Cohort Research

Qn 1 Define and describe a cross-sectional study and cohort study. Provide an example of each type of study relevant to your profession.

Qn 2 Describe whether cross-sectional and cohort study designs can provide causal evidence and why/why not.

Qn 3 Perform a basic t-test analysis and report this data in an excel spreadsheet and explain what it means.

Topic 9 Qualitative Research 1

Qn 1 Describe the differences between qualitative and quantitative research (include how we view truth, how you collect data, and the differences in why and how we use these different research approaches.

Qn 2 Find a qualitative study relevant to an area of your interest and describe the population, the interest or thing they were investigating, the qualitative methodology they used (ethnography, phenomenology etc.), the context, and the key themes and meaning in their results. 

Qn 3 Using the findings from question 2, describe how you could use these findings in your evidence-based practice with a future patient.

Topic 10 Qualitative Research 2

Qn 1 Provide evidence of qualitative data collection and analysis from an interview you performed or watched. This needs to include the coding you have done and the final themes with summaries.

Qn 2 Choosing a qualitative paper you find interesting and evaluate the paper using the 8 criteria you learnt about this week from:

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