Assignment: Business Finance- Management Ethics & Contemporary Issues Project- Presentation
You will take the ideas expressed in the written response you submitted last week and transform them into a presentation. Your presentation will consist of approximately 7-10 slides and will feature a narrated audio presentation of at least five minutes. For purposes of this assignment, PowerPoint is the recommended software. If you wish to use something else, consult with your instructor first.
Here is a suggested structure for your presentation:
If you use one slide for each part, the total length will be seven slides. If you find that any slide is too densely packed, consider splitting that section into two slides. At the same time, remember that slides are a visual medium, and should not be overly text laden. Since you will be providing an audio narration, there is no need to use long blocks of text. Instead, use visual elements such as illustrations and charts, and limit text to short bullet phrases.