According to the (World Health Organisation WHO 2022), mental health is a state of well-being in which individuals can reach their potential

According to the (World Health Organisation WHO 2022), mental health is a state of well-being in which individuals can reach their potential and can cope with the everyday stress of life, work productively and fruitfully and make a contribution to their community. Prior to undertaking this module my knowledge on mental wellbeing was somewhat limited. I realize that I had actually performed some of these tasks without knowing they were related to mental well-being.

I have learned how the different models of mental health have changed over the years due to advances in knowledge and evidence-based research about mental health and mental well-being. This will increase my confidence in future placements, giving me a better understanding and knowledge of how to assess a patient and how to relate it to
mental well-being.

I will use Gibb’s reflective cycle to guide me in this assignment. Gibb’s reflective cycle, developed by Graham Gibbs in 1988 to give nurses and students a structure
to learn from experiences; there are six stages. Stage one includes a description of what happened; second stage feelings and thoughts; third stage evaluation; fourth stage analysis; fifth stage is the conclusion: and sixth stage is the action plan.

It is important for nurses to be reflective to help identify areas for learning and development as it allows them to make sense of a situation and understand how well it went and how it has affected them and the patient. It is also important as it can have a positive impact for both the nurses, patients, and other colleagues, for their own health, wellbeing and to improve their own knowledge and skills.

According to (RCN 2022) Mental wellbeing for a nurse is being fit, healthy, being able to function properly, building good relationships with patients, encouraging healthy behaviours and having the ability to enjoy life. Mental well-being is extremely important for nurses as this means they are able to ensure they can maintain the safety and well-being of their patients. Nurses often experience burnout due to staff shortages, working long hours and stress of the job.

This can effectively put the patients safety at risk as the nurse is more likely to make errors, such as medication overdose due to miss calculations. The National Library of Medicine (Kaunas. 2019) reported that In the United States, medical errors account for more than 250,000 deaths a year, making it the third leading cause of death. It is predicted that burnout will negatively affect both patient safety perceptions and perceived likelihood of reporting events.

As a student nurse it’s important to do regular reflections to improve my overall knowledge, skills and confidence in what I do well and what I need to improve on.
These reflections should improve my nursing skills and lead to a better patientcentered experience. In order to join and remain on the nursing register, the Nursing and Midwifery
Council Code 2018 (NMC) states that nurses must complete at least five written reflections in the three-year period since registration.

This reflection is from a patient I nursed, describing whose condition fits well with working to help improve mental wellbeing by trying to educate them. In line with the (NMC Code 2018), professional standards will be applied, including patient confidentiality and location; the patient will be given a pseudonym, John: his age and location will remain confidential.