A/615/2680 Organisational Behaviour - ATHE Level 7 Diploma in Strategic Management
Aim: The aim of this unit is to help learners develop an understanding of how organisational behaviour, structure, culture, motivation, creativity and leadership impact on an organisation`s effectiveness and
Learning outcome 1: Understand leadership behaviour theory and practice
Learning outcome 2: Understand how organisational structures and culture impact on the effectiveness of the organisation
Learning outcome 3: Understand how organisations can improve employee effectiveness to respond to business opportunities
Learning outcome 4: Understand how organisations can motivate employees in order to improve their efficiency and effectiveness
Indicative Content
1. Understand leadership behaviour theory and practice
• Leadership versus management
• Leadership behaviour theory including personal leadership traits, trait theories (e.g. Allport. Eysenck Cattell), ‘great man` theory of leadership, contingency theories (e.g. Fiedler, cognitive resource theory), situational theories (e.g. Hersey and Blanchard, Vroom and Yetton), behavioural theories (e.g. role theory, managerial grid/leadership grid), participative theories (e.g. Lewin/Likert, transformational v transactional leadership, emotional intelligence).
• Working relationships and interaction e.g. power, behavioural theories, social constructivism
2. Understand how organisational structures and culture impact on the effectiveness of the organisation
• Organisational structure: Bureaucracies, Stakeholders, re-engineered corporation, modular, hierarchical, matrix, liquid devolved decision making powers, networked and atomised organisations, virtual organisations, line, staff & functional structures, formal and informal organisations, designing organisation structure, centralisation, decentralisation.
• Organisational culture: Harrison - power, role, person, task cultures, Likert - autocratic, benevolent autocratic, consultative participative, Mintzberg - simple, machine bureaucracy, divisional, adhocracy, Pedlar et al - the learning organisation.
• How structure and culture impact on effectiveness
• Leader as a change agent
3. Understand how organisations can improve employee effectiveness to respond to business opportunities
• Innovation and creativity
• Organisational culture: integration / interaction of disciplines and teams, attitude to risk, rewards.
• Organisational learning: The learning, learning culture, knowledge capture and management, technical knowledge versus experiential knowledge, technology.
• Measuring performance: Metrics, KPI, business scorecard, working in teams, group dynamics, teams versus groups, communications, collaboration and team decision making, motivation of groups.
• Change processes and outcomes: Changes (reorganisation, restructuring, merger and acquisition, downsizing), involving stakeholders, communicating and managing change.
4. Understand how organisations can motivate employees in order to improve their efficiency and effectiveness
• Motivational theory including Taylorism, Mayo, Maslow, Herzberg, McGregor, Broad theories (e.g. temporal motivation theory), cognitive theory.