5N1794: This law arose out of the findings of the Barrington Commission in 1983.

Introduction – Why do we Need Health and Safety?
Legislative requirement – Safety, Health, and Welfare at Work Act 2005.
This law arose out of the findings of the Barrington Commission in 1983.

  • Only 20% of workplaces were covered by any kind of safety legislation – factories, mines, quarries, and the construction sector.
  • The Safety, Health, and Welfare at Work Act was the first piece of legislation to cover all places of work and all persons at work.

Under this legislation, there are duties required of employers and employees. Health and safety policy is intended to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the safety, health andthe welfare of you and those associated with the work activity.

Definition of Health and Safety:

  • It is an area of legislation concerning employee wellbeing.
  • Its objective is to maintain a safe working environment and safe work practices to ensure that employee health and wellbeing is not detrimentally affected by the work activities.

What is meant by the term occupational ill health?

  • Occupational ill health, the illnesses or physical or mental disorders triggered by workplace activities. Sometimes the lead-time is short (e.g. asthma) or long (e.g. cancer, deafness).

Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005:

  • Contains 89 sections. Most pertinent sections are duties of employers, duties of employees, hazard identification and risk assessment, safety statements, safety representation and the establishment of the Health and Safety Authority.

General Applications Regulations 2007:

  • These replaced the GA regs of 1993. They replace, simplify and update existing sets of regulations and orders and apply to all places of work. They cover such areas as manual handling, electricity, use of display screen equipment, use of chemicals, use of work equipment, personal protective equipment, working at heights, noise, vibration, sensitive risk groups, safety signs and first aid etc

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